When you decide to go skiing, the most important thing is to choose the right destination. If you plan to ski in Serbia, you are lucky because you are in the best ski resort you have chosen!
How to find the best accommodation for skiing in Kopaonik
Whether you’re looking for a secluded location, modern decor, extravagant furnishings, world-class service, or a cabin with a humble feel, our reviews confirm our high ratings. We’ve traveled to different destinations where we’ve seen what’s interesting and best for our location, in order to give our guest the right offer.
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Vreme, kamere i ski-staze na Kopaoniku
Trenutni prikaz vremenskih prilika na Kopaoniku sa izgledom staza u realnom vremenu i aktivna mapa prikaza trenutno upotrebljivih staza za skijanje, koje dobijamo preko infoKopa daje vam dovoljno informacija za vaš izbor i boravak na našoj srebrnoj planini !
Uživajte u lepoti! Continue reading “Vreme, kamere i ski-staze na Kopaoniku”